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How Vitamin C + Zinc Therapy Help Strengthen Immunity In Today`s World

Published : May 14, 2020 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 21, 2024

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is naturally present in a few foods and is available in dietary supplements as well. Humans are not able to synthesize Vitamin C endogenously, so a daily intake of Vitamin C is necessary.

In the current scenario, where immunity is of utmost importance Vitamin C and Zinc therapy is one of the best possible solutions to boost immunity and be ready to fight. While following all-important guidelines mentioned by health authorities and the government. Ministry of AYUSH also recommends that enhancing the body's natural immune system plays an important role in maintaining optimum health.

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient with a myriad of health functions associated with its consumption. It is well known for its antioxidant family with its ability to donate electrons. Vitamin C is central to immune system functioning in both innate and adaptive immune systems.

Vitamin C therapy supports epithelial barrier functions to fight against incoming foreign particles and helps the skin in removing those particles, thereby helping to fight against environmental stress. Vitamin C is imperial in WBC functioning and helps to differentiate and proliferate B and T-cells. Vitamin C also plays a major role in NK (Natural Killer) cells functioning that helps to fight invading organisms.

Vitamin C deficiency results in impaired immune system functioning and higher susceptibility to infections and normal functioning. In the case of infections, Vitamin C levels are largely affected because of enhanced metabolic requirements. Prophylactic prevention of infections requires daily recommended dietary or supplementation. The Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin C as per ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) states that RDA for Vitamin C is 40mg. Hence including Vitamin C therapy in case of limited dietary intake and to power your immunity in today's world is essential.

Zinc is a mineral that affects multiple aspects of the defense system. Zinc is critical for the normal growth and development of innate immunity cells, NK cells, and neutrophils all help in fighting against pathogens. Zinc levels affect the functioning and growth of T and B cells. Zinc with its ability to function as an antioxidant and membrane stabilization suggests that it plays a major role in free radical removal that damages body cells.

Groups at risk of higher Vitamin C deficiency:

  • Smokers and passive smokers
  • Dietary choice
  • Malabsorption
  • Chronic disease
  • Alcoholism

How Fast&Up Charge come into the picture?

Fast&Up Charge is a completely natural Vitamin C tablets with an intelligent combination of immunity-boosting ingredients like 1000mg Natural Amla extract and 10mg Zinc. Amla extract is a natural source of Vitamin C that supports a robust immune response and increases resistance to immune challenges. Zinc is a mineral central to defense system functioning.

Fast&up Natural Vitamin C Supplements

Premium effervescent technology offers faster absorption and action with no GI distress. Effervescent Vitamin C tablets in tasty orange flavor work effectively as compared to traditional Vitamin C supplements.

How Vitamin C + Zinc Therapy Help Strengthen Immunity In Today's World

Bottom Line

With the current scenario, Immunity is an utmost priority. Fast&Up Charge with its intelligent combination and dual power of Natural Amla extract as a Vitamin C source and Zinc is ideal to sustain and maintain immune system functioning.

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