Author: Niharika Goel

Niharika Goel is a Delhi-based Sports Nutritionist who has received her certification from ISSA. Over the past few years, she has evolved her role as a health coach, working closely with a growing client base from across the world. She believes in understanding unique dietary needs according to specific demographics – like food habits of different countries to lifestyle requirements and dietary specifications. Staying away from fad diets, she focuses on gradually changing lifestyles that lead to people enjoying food rather than fearing it – following a simple ‘eat-to-lose’ concept of nutritional practice that builds a long-term healthy metabolism.

Nutrition and sleep are two vital components that are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Sleep plays a crucial role in the body’s restorative processes, while nutrition provides the necessary nutrients required for optimal body functioning. Hence, it is essential to ensure that we get enough quality sleep and consume a balanced diet to maintain good health. How Does Nutrition Affect Sleep There is a saying “You are what you eat” which goes to show the importance of nutrition for our health. Foods we eat plays different role in the body which impact different functions including your sleep. Foods…

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