Author: Nilofer Pendhari

Nilofar Pendhari is a physiotherapist, dietitian & certified clinical nutritional having over 9 years of professional experience in the field of dietetics. She specializes in providing effective diet plans for her client's fitness and weight loss goals. She also provides customized meal plans for weight loss/weight gain through online consultations. certified sports nutritionist with an experience of 11 yrs

What is Vitamin B Complex? The B complex is made up of eight water-soluble vitamins that play crucial and interconnected roles in cellular activity in the body. Vitamin C is the only other vitamin that is water-soluble; the others are fat-soluble. Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin, folic acid, and cobalamins are the vitamins that make up the B complex (vitamin B12). Most B vitamins are found in a wide range of meals because they are crucial to cellular function. Some, like vitamin B12, are primarily found in animal…

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