Author: Swapnali Jambe

As a Nutrition Consultant, she specializes in providing tailored dietary advice to working professionals and busy mothers. For working professionals, she focuses on creating meal plans that enhances energy level, better eating habits, improve productivity, and fit into busy schedules. For busy moms, she offers guidance on nutrition to support their demanding lifestyles, ensuring both they and their families receive optimal nutrition. Her approach combines scientific knowledge with practical strategies to promote long-term healthy eating habits.

Fasting is a diet technique where you abstain from food or substantial amounts of it for a period of time. There are several types of fasting, including water or juice fasts, food-restricted fasts, and low-calorie fasts. Some people may also fast to improve their physical or mental well-being. Most people who fast reduce the amount of food they eat in order to lose weight. In general, people follow a 12 to14 hour window during which they can consume food and still benefit from the effects of fasting, such as fat loss and improved insulin control. If you’re interested in trying…

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