The Science Behind Meal Replacement Shakes for Effective Weight Loss
If you want to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight is important. But losing weight can be challenging, especially with today’s busy lifestyle. Nutrition takes a back seat while we try to manage our day and most often, we end up eating unhealthy or junk food. We often forget to eat a balanced diet covering all the food groups. All of this can make it difficult to lose weight.
One of the best and most convenient ways to incorporate a balanced diet in your daily life is to consume a meal replacement shake. In this blog, we will understand how meal replacement shakes help weight loss?
What Is a Meal Replacement Shake?
Unlike protein shakes meal replacement shakes provide other important ingredients like carbohydrates, fibres, vitamins and minerals. This results in complete nourishment, similar to that of a regular meal. A single shake typically contains 200-400 calories, making it a more calorie-conscious option when compared to the average Indian meal which has about 900 calories.
If you aim to manage their weight and improve their diet you should prefer consuming meal replacement shakes for weight loss. Multiple studies suggest that replacing one meal per day with a healthy meal replacement shake may speed up weight loss (1).
How do Meal Replacement Shakes help with Weight Loss?
1. Helps Track Your Calories
Maintaining a calorie deficit is the most effective way to lose weight. The equation is simple eat less calories than you burn. But it is difficult to track the calories of your entire meal. Commercially available meal replacement shakes are low in calories and have their total calorie per serving mentioned in the nutrition table.
Additionally, these meal replacement shakes help to maintain portion control through their servings. This helps you to reduce the number of calories you consume with each meal.
Replace your high calorie meal with low calorie meal replacement shakes and keep track of your weight loss.
2. Easy to make and Convenient
One of the main advantages of a meal replacement shake is it is super easy to make and convenient to consume. Due to our busy lifestyle sometimes, it may be difficult to make a well balanced nutritious meal. Meal replacement shakes can be prepared by adding them in water or milk. They are also super easy to carry and can be consumed anytime and anywhere. Some homemade meal replacement shakes can be tailored to your dietary specifications.
3. Helps to Fulfill Protein Requirements
Protein is the most important macronutrient for reducing weight. Protein rich meal replacement shake can provide 10g of protein per serving which can help to fulfill protein requirements. Protein helps you to stay full for a long period of time which reduces your hunger pangs.
One study found that people with higher protein diet reported fewer cravings and a reduced desire to eat late at night than those consuming a moderate amount of protein (2). Another study found that people with high protein intake lost more body fat, and their “bad” LDL cholesterol levels were lower
4. Helps Fulfill Micronutrient
Micronutrients may be needed in small quantities but play a major role in weight loss. Micronutrients support metabolism, energy production, and overall health, all of which are essential for weight management.
Meal replacement shakes that contain micronutrients can help you fulfill your daily nutritional needs of micronutrients which natural foods may lack. Micronutrient’s role in weight loss cannot be underestimated hence choose a meal replacement shake that provides all you with all the essential micronutrients covering all your bases.
Meal replacement shakes that provide essential vitamins and minerals are the best weight loss shakes. Meal replacement shakes with vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, calcium and iron are the best meal replacement shakes for weight loss.
5. Helps Promote Satiety
Meal replacement shakes are good to promote satiety. This helps to promote weight loss. By replacing one meal of your day, you can decrease overall calorie intake and achieve gradual weight loss over time (3). However, while choosing the best weight loss shake choose low calorie and low sugar meal replacement shake.
6. Helps to Reduce Binge Eating
Meal replacement shakes are great to avoid binge eating. Consuming these shakes instead of some unhealthy snacks can help you avoid consuming more calories. Protein content in these shakes also helps to promote satiety. Meal replacement shakes are easy to drink on-the-go and a significantly healthier alternative to fast foods.
The best meal replacement shakes are those which provide complete and balanced nutrition. The convenience, calorie control, and balanced macronutrient profile of these shakes can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Before choosing a top meal replacement shakes for weight loss keep in mind that meal-replacement shakes should not replace a well-balanced diet entirely.
1. Do meal replacement shakes help you lose weight?
Yes, meal replacement shakes help tin weight loss. They provide balanced nutrition which is essential for weight loss.
2. How to effectively use meal replacement shakes for weight loss?
To effectively use meal replacement shakes for weight loss, replace one meal of the day with these weight loss shakes to get a healthy and balanced meal for weight loss.
3. What are the side effects of meal replacement shakes for weight loss?
Some side effects of meal replacement shake for weight loss include
- Dependency on meal replacement shakes
- Allergic reaction due to certain ingredients
- Bloating
- May contain artificial flavors or preservatives
4. How much weight can you lose on meal replacement shakes in a month?
It will depend on other factors like exercise, daily nutritional intake and lifestyle.
5. Is it okay to drink meal replacement shakes every day?
Yes, it is ok to make meal replacement shakes every day.
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